Mr Beast's Engagement Masterclass

Mr Beast's Engagement Masterclass



Interwoven Curiousity

🚀 Success:

184M YouTube Subscribers

🌱 Metrics Improved:


Attention spans are shrinking. Successful content requires more and more ingenious ways to maintain a viewer's attention.

The formula

When it works best

How it looks in the real-world

Interwoven Curiousity

This technique is actually an exaggerated version of a classic Hollywood technique called 'parallel editing'.

Mr Beast intertwines separate 'stories' in short, 1-minute bursts. He starts his videos with an incredibly strong hook promising what's to come. But instead of diving straight into the thick of the story (like a traditional Youtube video) he develops an even larger curiosity gap by introducing the hook for the next story.

And it works. On the videos he uses this technique he's seeing a 160% increase in likes per view, all without using his most creative and unique content.

How it works

This technique is actually an exaggerated version of a classic Hollywood technique called 'parallel editing'.

Mr Beast intertwines separate 'stories' in short, 1-minute bursts. He starts his videos with an incredibly strong hook promising what's to come. But instead of diving straight into the thick of the story (like a traditional Youtube video) he develops an even larger curiosity gap by introducing the hook for the next story.

And it works. On the videos he uses this technique he's seeing a 160% increase in likes per view, all without using his most creative and unique content.

Why it works

Curiosity arises when there's a gap between what we know and what we want to know. This gap creates a sort of tension, and when we seek answers dopamine is released, making the process very engaging. In other words, the more curiosity is built up the more rewarding and engaging the experience is.

What it means for you

Every successful product has a product hook - a simple and repeatable transaction, flow, or behaviour that often relieves some kind of tension for a user. But with so much competition these days, once you've nailed one product hook you quickly need to create another to improve your defensibility.

Keep your users engaged by creating parallel product hooks. In other words, introduce new unique features which are parallel to your core competency, that users will be interested in using regularly.

Genius rating:



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Cameron from Conversion Examples and Converted Agency